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Articles of authors who are not employees DNURT, is available online at Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine or at Collection of "Anthropological Measurements Of Philosophical Research"


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    Антропологічні виміри філософських досліджень № 20, 2021 р.
    (Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту ім. акад. В. Лазаряна, Дніпро, 2021)
    UKR: У збірнику представлені наукові статті, що висвітлюють та осмислюють нові грані людського існування на початку нового тисячоліття. Окрема увага зосереджується на формах їх оприявнення та рефлексії у філософії науки, культури, техніки, мови. Збірник призначено для співробітників науково-дослідних організацій, наукових, науково-педагогічних та інженерних працівників, докторантів, аспірантів, студентів вищих навчальних закладів.
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    John Locke’s Philosophy as a Teaching about Human and their Behavior
    (Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, Дніпро, 2021) Shvetsova, Mariia B.
    EN: Purpose. The article is aimed to outline Locke’s position on the basic principles of proper human behavior. Its implementation involves: a) review of the research literature concerning the place of anthropological motive in philosophizing and b) research of his interpretation of human nature and the role of the rational component. Theoretical basis. The author’s approach is based on the conceptual provisions of phenomenology and existentialism. Originality. The work considers the teaching of Locke as the author of the original concept of human nature, which is closely related to the understanding of ethical issues. It is proved that its meaningful development involves the identification of the main components of human nature in the process of determining the basic principles of personality behavior. The original conception of the thinker on the irrational component of human nature and the ways of its rationalization is analyzed. Conclusions. It is substantiated that Locke’s philosophical heritage is not reduced to depersonalized empiricism as epistemology, and his teaching about human is not limited to the abstract study of their rational component. The thinker connects the request of his own epoch with the new vision of human and the basic principles of their behavior on the basis of rationality. Locke is looking for the ways to master the irrational component of human nature and is convinced that in the era of the scientific revolution, the basis of human behavior should be rationality. Locke considers human freedom to be one of the key moments of human nature.
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    Lessons of Descartes: Metaphysicity of Man and Poetry
    (Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, Дніпро, 2021) Malivskyi, Anatolii M.
    ENG: Purpose. To consider the uniqueness of Descartes’ way of interpreting poetry as a type of philosophizing that makes it possible to comprehend the metaphysical nature of man. Its implementation involves the consistent solution of the following tasks: a) understanding methodological changes in the philosophy of the 20th century in the process of actualization of anthropological interest; b) argumentation of the importance of poetic thinking for early Des-cartes in the process of addressing modern historians of philosophy and the thinker’s texts. Theoretical basis. I rely on the conceptual positions of phenomenology, existentialism and hermeneutics.Originality. Finding of the study is that poetic thinking is the most authentic way of meaningful comprehension of the metaphysicity of man. The paperoutlines the nature of the expression of this correlation in the philosophizing of the 20th-21th centuries and substan-tiates the thesis about the importance of the poetic principle for understanding the phenomenon of man in earlyworks by Descartes.Conclusions.The paper examined the methodological shifts in anthropologically oriented phi-losophizing of the 20th-21th centuries and focused on the manifestations of related moments in the philosophical legacy of Descartes. The latter demonstrates the existence of a still underestimated version of interpreting the meta-physical foundations of human existence, the form of understanding of which is poetic thinking. It is a form of car-ing for the humane in man.
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    Humanistic Intention of Dystopia in "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
    (Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, Дніпро, 2021) Muntian, Antonina O.; Shpak, Iryna V.
    EN: Purpose. The aim of this piece is to study the manifestations of humanistic pursuits in a literary fiction work. The main interest is related to the interpretation of those existential and sociocultural concepts that underlie the dys-topian novel by Lois Lowry. The theoretical basis of the study is based on works on phenomenology and the theo-ry of reader reception. The method of phenomenology is a descriptive method: the phenomena of consciousness cannot be reduced to limited cognitive forms, and therefore language and means of description are important along with their ability to reveal consciousness through phenomena. Originality of the study lies in the investigation of the humanistic aspect of a dystopian society, depicted in the modern literary fiction. The main attention is focused on the phenomenological identification of existential ideas and their manifestation in the literary characters of the given work. The conclusions speak about the tendencies of humanization and dehumanization of a man and society in the context of philosophical, ethical and aesthetic issues, which are the most important and urgent problems of our time. The current study finds out that in the modern dystopian literature and philosophy, the main subject of atten-tion is a human. This human is perceived and depicted as a phenomenon that cannot be grasped by the notions ofintimation and essence. The human is a creature whose freedom presupposes a constant departure from nature and habitual reality to the realm of transcendent through the desire to comprehend his or her certain way of existence.
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