The Role of Personnel Motivation in the Risk Management System of Energy Companies with Employee Stock Ownership

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IOP Publishing
ENG: The impact of motivation of the personnel of joint-stock companies on increasing the efficiency of their economic activities and reducing management risks has been examined. The world experience in the development of property and management decentralization has been investigated. The current state of the functioning of companies with employee stock ownership has been analyzed, and main contradictions in the distribution of their income have been given. Specific recommendations have been given to resolve these contradictions in order to apply them by joint-stock companies of the energy sector of Ukraine in their economic activities.
energy companies, risk management, personnel motivation, share of employees, КМ (ІПБТ)
Mnykh O., Dikan O., Yukhnov B., Kvasova L., Shkvaryluk M. The Role of Personnel Motivation in the Risk Management System of Energy Companies with Employee Stock Ownership. IOP Conference. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Vol. 628. 8th International Scientific Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Environmental Science (21-22 October 2020, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine). 012038. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/628/1/012038.