Міф як спосіб означування

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Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, Дніпро
UKR: Міф розглядається як знакова система, як певний спосіб означення. Сутність міфу розуміється в означенні об’єктів навколишнього світу. З особливостей означування витікають всі інші властивостей міфу. Розглядається багатовимірність знаку в міфі. Знак у міфі становить собою своєрідну тріаду: конкретно-чуттєве переживання – образ – ім’я, котрі постають у нерозривній єдності.
ENG: Myth is considered as a way of designation, as a sign-modeling system that forms figurative models of reality and exemplary models of behavior. The peculiarity of the origin of the myth is the need to explain incomprehensible phenomena in the absence of landmarks. The myth serves as the basis for human adaptation in the world, with its help, cognition and structuring of reality is carried out. The essence of the myth consists in defining (humanizing, mastering) the objects of the surrounding world – «in imagination and with the help of imagination.» The myth does not arise at the level of thinking, but at the level of imagination. By giving names and names (signs), a person seems to create an image of the world, a conditional model of the world, a coordinate system that exists in his imagination, but at the same time allows him to navigate in this world in a certain way. The sign makes life more «understandable», and, consequently, more predictable and comfortable. He transforms the «chaos» of the unknown world into the «cosmos» of consciousness. It serves as an effective psychological defense against reality, which is easier to face if you first reduce it to «signs». Only the model begins to be perceived as the original itself. Primitive thinking tends to identify signs and objects, names and their bearers, words and things. There is a certain integrity of perception, but this integrity is non-systemic, non-reflexive, arises on the basis of unclear, often random associations. It is considered to be a myth secondary modeling system, which is built over the primary modeling system – language. However, there is reason to believe that myth is a pre–linguistic education, a primary modeling system relative to language. Myth is a way of signification, a way of encoding. The myth is symbolically decorated. The sign in the myth is a kind of triad: a concrete sensory experience - an image – a name, acting in an indissoluble unity. A mythological sign does not just replace a certain object, but has a direct, sensual connection with it.
О. Михайлюк: ORCID 0000-0002-3596-0250; В. Вершина: ORCID 0000-0003-0784-4348
міф, знак, семіотика, myth, sign, semiotics, КДІД
Михайлюк О. В., Вершина В. А. Міф як спосіб означування. Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури. 2022. Т. 14. № 2 (30). С. 10–17. DOI: 10.15421/352216.