Значення початкової галузевої освіти у загальній системі підготовки фахівців залізничної галузі в Україні на початку ХХ ст.

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Черкаський національний університет ім. Богдана Хмельницького, Черкаси
UK: У статті досліджено форми і методи початкової галузевої освіти фахівців залізничного транспорту в Україні на початку ХХ століття, визначено її місце у загальній системі підготовки та ролі у профорієнтаційній роботі з підготовки кадрів для залізничної галузі. Показано ключову роль галузевого підпорядкування навчальних закладів Міністерству шляхів сполучення у їх становленні.
RU: В статье исследованы формы и методы начального ведомственного образования специалистов железнодорожного транспорта на Украине в начале ХХ века, определено его место в общей системе подготовки и роли в профориентационной работе по подготовке кадров для железнодорожноной отрасли. Показана ключевая роль ведомственного подчинения учреждений образования Министерству путей сообщения в их становлении.
EN: Introduction. Nowadays particular actuality takes the task, which provides railway transport with quality staff. Analysis of historical and pedagogical literature shows that using of the historic experience of vocational training system is expedient for solving this problem. Purpose. The aim of this research is analysis of forms and methods of the branch primary education, its place in the General system of vocational training specialists of railway transport and its role in the vocational guidance work at training staff for the railway industry in Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. Results. At the beginning of the XX century during the period of Tsarist Russia governing in the modern State «Ukraine» frontiers the system of the railway transport specialists’ vocational training was formed. At the same time with the technical schools and higher educational establishments the special schools for the lower staff training for railways were established by the Railway Ministry. Their main task was providing with primary education. Such establishments were railway secondary schools of the first and the second form. 1). The railway secondary schools of the first form gave primary education and religious-moral education to children of the employees. 2). The railway secondary schools of the second form in addition to the initial professional education prepared boys to entering to the technical railway schools of the Railway Ministry. In the vocational schools had been installed next duration of the course: for the railway secondary schools of the second form 6 years (4 years for the first class and 2 years for second) and 4 years for the railway secondary schools of the first form. On the first of January 1912 such schools in the Empire railway network were 567, with the number of pupils over 100,000 including: at the state railways were 451 schools (with 25 departments) and with 80.550 pupils and at the private railways were 116 ones with 19.500 pupils. Originality. The key role of branch subordination of educational institutions to the Ministry of railway communication in the system formation of the railway transport specialists’ vocational training, in the creating of the branch education graded system (railway secondary schools of the first and the second form – a railway technical school – an institute), in creating the conditions for the strengthening of the staff and in the formation of the railwaymen’s dynasties is demonstrated. Conclusion. Establishments of primary education were not only the basis for further continuous professional training of rail transport specialists, but also an important factor in vocational guidance work to formation the staff for all levels of the railway branch, to creation of railwaymen family dynasties.
Т. Шаргун: ORCID 0000-0002-6014-4941
залізнична галузь, початкова освіта, профорієнтаційна робота, відомче підпорядкування навчальних закладів, железнодорожная отрасль, начальное образование, профориентационная работа, ведомственное подчинение учреждений образования, railway branch, primary education, vocational guidance work, branch subordination of educational institutions, КГП (ЛФ)
Шаргун, Т. О. Значення початкової галузевої освіти у загальній системі підготовки фахівців залізничної галузі в Україні на початку ХХ ст. / Т. О. Шаргун // Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки. – 2017. – № 2. – С.143–148.