No 7 (UniLibNSD)

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    Digital Civic Engagement and Youth Participation: Hungarian LIS Students’ Perspective of Political Information
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Yap, Joseph M.; Németh, Réka; Hajdu Barát, Ágnes
    ENG: Objective. The research seeks to understand, how Hungarian LIS students use social media as an avenue to express their democratic actions and how social media political information affects the youth’s trust and judgement when interacting with their close family and friends online. Methods. The study employed a quantitative approach to determine the social media engagement of the participants with close family and friends. Convenience sampling was applied in this study (Students of Library and Information Science, University, Hungary), and an online questionnaire was sent to all the potential participants (to 197 students). Results. A total of 43% participated in this research. The youth give a high level of trust to their family members and close friends even if they share, post, like, or comment on something that is different from their point-of-view in social media. Moreover, the youth have a low level of judgement towards family and close friends. Conclusions. Political participation among youth is voluntary and engagement with political information in social media is rare/low.
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    Analysis of Digital Libraries and Specialized Library Resources
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Tiurkedzhy, Natalia S.; Davydova, Iryna O.; Marina, Olena Yu.; Marin, Serhii O.
    ENG: Objective. The article focuses on the current state of library web content accessibility. Methods. 56 library websites of different countries (27 digital libraries and 29 specialized library resources for people with disabilities) have been successfully tested for the compliance with the WCAG 2.1 standards using the service. Using the service the comparative analysis of the websites traffic ranking has been additionally conducted. Results. It has been established that only 3 websites out of 56 meet the accessibility standards of WCAG 2.1 with the compliance score of 92%. Conclusions. It has been concluded that the libraries' current practices of providing web content accessibility are insufficient. The emphasis has been placed on the need to optimize and promote specialized library resources and to implement a continuous audit of web content accessibility by means of automatic testing and engaging users with disabilities into these processes.
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    European Practices of Overcoming Language Barriers in Times of Crisis: Open Educational Resources
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Kolesnykova, Tetiana O.; Corti, Paola; Buist-Zhuk, Mira
    ENG: Objective. In any given country, the national language and education not only help to impart knowledge but also broaden the horizons of students, teaching them to be more tolerant of different cultures. Today, the Ukrainian language as an important component of national identity and state building is one of the main goals of Russia in its war against Ukraine. That is why one of the main challenges for higher education in Ukraine during wartime is to create modern and high-quality educational materials in the national language as quickly as possible, in order to facilitate remote teaching, learning and research processes at universities. The mechanism for responding to this challenge is to turn to the experience of creating, adapting and using Open Educational Resources (OER) in Europe and the rest of the world. The aim of the study is to consider the practices of creating, adapting and using OER in European universities and libraries in the context of their benefits, including the possibilities of overcoming language barriers in times of crisis. Methods. This article is based on the analysis of the literature on OER practices in facilitating the overcoming of language barriers, on the activities of ENOEL, on the practices of librarians and educationalists of several European universities, as well as on self-reflection and direct experience of the circumstances of the war by Ukrainian librarians, who continue information support of the educational process. Results. The theoretical aspects and implemented practical solutions demonstrate that OER can be an effective solution in times of crisis (whether a pandemic or a war) to the issue of quality information support of distance education with materials in the national language in any country in Europe and the world. In the context of higher education in Ukraine, OER is a means and one of the methods of overcoming linguocide by the Russian Federation – the purposeful destruction of the Ukrainian language as the main feature of the ethnic group. The experience of working with OER of the USUST Scientific Library (Dnipro, Ukraine) is the story of a library that was looking for opportunities to answer its local challenges and resolve problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, and found solutions that became necessary during the war with Russia. Conclusions. The authors hope that Ukrainian-language OER will soon become a mandatory element in the cultural environment of Ukrainian universities. And it is OER that can help overcome Ukrainian linguocide in educational resources. The experience of librarians of the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) proves that one of the most important roles in this is played by university librarians.
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    Віршування як ресурс відновлення емоційної рівноваги
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Шкира, Ольга Іванівна
    UKR: Мета. Стаття спрямована на аналіз поетичного досвіду аматорів, членів спільноти Університету Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі (УГСП), як ефективного психотерапевтичного методу відновлення емоційної рівноваги в період повномасштабної війни росії з Україною. Розглянути долучення до віршування у воєнний час бібліотекарів інших ЗВО України. Методика. Досвід поетів-аматорів, народжений через біль, кохання, страждання, турботу протягом березня-жовтня 2022 р., в період російсько-української війни, проаналізовано в контексті віршотерапії як ресурсу відновлення емоційної рівноваги і життєвої енергії. Результати. Створення авторських поезій, в т.ч. аматорських текстів, дає можливість фантазувати, розвивати свої приховані здібності та долучатись до читання й спілкування з іншими однодумцями. Це яскраво продемонстровано в творчості воєнного часу студентами, викладачами, бібліотекарями. Висновки. Кожна творча людина показує біль у своєму, доступному саме їй форматі. У такий спосіб самозцілення людина стає спокійнішою, відновлює душевну атмосферу, зустрічається зі своїм внутрішнім «Я».
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    Ethical Component of Library Competencies Design: Professional View
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Hranchak, Tetiana Yu.
    ENG: Objective. Substantiation of the ethical component place in the set of modern librarians’ key competencies. Methods. Conclusions and results have been obtained due to use of dialectical, socio-communicative, analytical-review methods, methods of systematization, comparative analysis, bibliographic analysis, content analysis and document analysis. Results. The need to supplement the educational standards on the speciality 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” bachelor’s and master’s levels with ethical component – the librarian’s understanding of the principles and values of information and professional ethics, academic integrity and capacity to follow them was justified. Conclusions. Adherence to professional ethical norms and the spread of the academic integrity culture creates the conditions for the demand for other librarian’s professional competencies because it provides the value of knowledge and personal theoretical and applied achievements. Given the urgent need to spread the culture of academic integrity in the scientific and educational environment and the lack of relevant educational goals in bachelor and master educational standards, Ukrainian Library Association offers the scientific and methodological basis for the formation of the academic integrity culture as an important competence of a modern librarian within the framework of implementation of the compensatory function.
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    Safety as One of the Most Important Components of the Digital Competence System in Wartime Conditions
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Hlavcheva, Yuliia M.; Odnovolykova, Olena V.; Novosolova, Svitlana Y.
    ENG: Objective. To determine the place of safety skills in the system of digital competences and the role of the university library in their formation among users. The acquisition of safety skills in working with information will allow users to level out and control the negative impact of external information factors. Among the factors that negatively affect a person, there is a colossal amount of information, consisting of actual, relevant, and useful information, as well as garbled, fake, manipulative, and destructive ones. Methods. Empirical methods have been used in the investigation. The practical experience and recommendations of international and national experts in the direction of the formation of safety skills in working with information have been analyzed. The level of their implementation by the library at this stage has been monitored. Result. It has been determined that for the qualitative and integral formation of users’ safety skills in working with information, it is necessary to expand the list of activities and topics in the direction of their popularization and training. The acquisition of safety basics of working with information will allow users to restore and maintain control over physical and psychological health. Conclusions. So, the ability to safely interact with information is one of the most important components of the digital competence system of users, which is especially important in wartime conditions. Teaching such competences will help users to realize, control, and level out the negative impact of external information factors, and that's why it can be considered an urgent task for libraries as institutions that are competent to work with information.
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    Determining Implementation Approaches of Effective Digital Competencies Training
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Breslavets, Oleksandr Yu.; Hlavcheva, Yuliia M.
    ENG: Objective. To analyse approaches to the organization of user training that can be applied in distance learning of digital competencies. Mastering digital competencies by users is known to be one of the important tasks not only for higher education but also for the whole society. Therefore, we consider it important not only to provide quality training, but also to encourage more users. Methods. Empirical methods are applied. The article examines the "user roadmap" - the steps from user identification of necessary competences to quality mastery of competences. At every step, the user needs help. Results. Based on the analysis done, recommendations have been developed for organizing work in university libraries in this direction. The expected result is an increase in the number of persons trained and an increase in the effectiveness of user training in digital competencies. Conclusions. We believe that in order to obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to provide comprehensive user support. Specialists in information departments in institutions, including university libraries, have the opportunity to do this successfully due to the following advantages: the possession of relevant knowledge and its constant improvement, communication with users who are motivated for successful learning.
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    Formation of Image Communications of the Library in the Modern Information Space
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Vasylynyna, Oksana M.; Derevianko, Liudmyla I.; Doroshenko, Svitlana M.
    ENG: Objective. As part of the study, the analysis of the main components of the library's communication and image policy and the determination of methods for optimizing the activities of libraries in social media are expected. Methods. To achieve the set objective and solve the specified tasks, a complex use of various research methods was carried out: analysis and synthesis; generalization; systematization; system and component analysis. Results. During the research, a theoretical generalization was made and a new solution to the problem of the library image communications formation in the modern information space was proposed, which was embodied in the theoretical justification of the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of new Internet technologies introduction in the work of library institutions. In the process of scientific research, recommendations were made for the popularization of library activities, as well as the modernization of the library image in the Internet environment. The collected and systematized material can be used to create relevant library content in social networks. Conclusions. The formation of image communications of the library in the modern information space is a complex and multi-level process associated with the organization of special studies, with the development of the program and plan of the image campaign, and activities system aimed at image elements formation in social media resources. The main direction of libraries development is the systematic implementation of modern information technologies with the aim of popularizing library services for potential readers. Timely adaptation and implementation of information and communication technologies in the activities of libraries will allow them to retain their priority in the future regarding socially significant information realization and preserve themselves as a social institution.
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    Formation and Use of Open Access Resources in University Libraries during the Pandemic and Martial Law in Ukraine
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Shemaieva, Hanna V.; Kostyrko, Tamara M.
    ENG: Objective. The research is aimed at revealing the repository as an important tool for storing and promoting open access resources and open educational resources (OER) as a component of open access resources, and the role of the library in these processes. Methods. To achieve the purpose of the research, a complex of scientific methods was applied, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, statistical method and direct study of practical experience through the analysis of library reports. Results. During the research it was summarized the information about open access resources, in particular OER; examples of the national policy of forming repositories were considered; the experience of the formation and use of institutional repositories in the technical universities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv was studied; the foreign experience of creating and functioning of repositories of the information-library profile was considered. Conclusions. The further direction of the university library in the promotion of the OER initiative is substantiated, namely, convergence of library activities with educational activities in the aspect of creating, planning, and organizing access to open educational electronic resources.
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    Student Academic Achievement with the Ability to Read a Collection of Textbooks from the Library Collection
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Prijana, P.; Yanto, Andri
    ENG: Objective. The students’ academic achievement is related to their intelligence (IQ). Studies on factors that affect student academic achievement are still relatively limited and few. Purpose of this research is to consider student academic achievement with the ability to read a collection of textbooks from the library collection. Methods. The research method used is quantitative research. While the method of observation is experiment. Results. First hypothesis is academic achievement has a significant relationship with the good reading method. The hypothesis is accepted because academic achievement has a significant relationship with reading habits. Both the experimental group and the control group showed that academic achievement has a significant relationship with students reading methods, or it can be said that the good reading method is equivalent to students' reading habits. Second hypothesis, academic achievement has a significant relationship with students' reading ability is accepted. The calculated Chi-square count is greater than the Chi-square table. Third hypothesis, academic achievement has a non-significant relationship with access to information sources, meaning that the hypothesis is rejected. Conclusions. Student’s academic achievement had a significant relationship with the good reading method and a non-significant relationship with reading ability. Student’s academic achievement had a non-significant relationship with access to information sources.
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    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms for Assessing the Authenticity of a Scientific Article in Scopus: Translator's Experience
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Osadchyi, Vitalii I.; Osadcha, Olena V.
    ENG: Objective. This paper examines ways to solve the problem of cross-language plagiarism in scientific works written in Ukrainian, which are to be translated and published in English. Considering that Ukrainian university libraries are directly involved in the practices of improving the level of awareness of lecturers and scientists, as well as their support of a large number of new digital tools, we draw attention to the emergence of new opportunities in the practices of supporting academic integrity. Methods. Big Data mining techniques and analysis of algorithms underlying machine translation software were employed to identify the cases of cross-language plagiarism in scientific articles originally written in the Ukrainian language. Results. Based on the analysis of 4000 translated manuscripts, it was established that the standard Microsoft Word 2022 software, typically used to write an article, identifies with a very high accuracy those parts of the text that had been earlier published and stored in a digital format. Conclusions. With the advent of Microsoft Office 365 software (released in 2022), it becomes possible to check any article originally written in Ukrainian or Russian, while being translated into English, for similarities with previously published academic papers. This allows for an instantaneous correction check that may prove useful in preventing the intended or unintended occurrence of cross-language plagiarism in scientific papers. It is advisable to more actively involve librarians of Ukrainian universities in using the powerful potential of digital support for the research activities of their users, including writing papers and checking them for signs of plagiarism.
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    Reorienting Library Space and Services of Book Depositories under the Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine: The Case of the Largest Libraries of Zakarpattia
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Medved, Mariia M.
    ENG: Objective. The research aims to explore the practical experience of the activity transformation of Ukrainian libraries during the military invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine. Methods. The analysis of world publications allowed: to attempt identifying the specific methods of library work during extreme events; to conduct an analysis of the services of educational and public libraries; to prove the effectiveness of psychological and moral library support to the population; and to identify its most effective forms. Results. The substantiation of the obtained results is based on the characteristics of the library of the Uzhhorod National University and the Transcarpathian Regional Universal Scientific Library named after F. Potushniak, aimed at supporting victims of war. The most active methods of library work during the first months of the war between russia and Ukraine were revealed. Analysis of the provision of library services confirms the importance of book depositories as an important centre for uniting people for mutual support. The paper outlines practical recommendations regarding the active participation of libraries in the lives of people forced to flee from places of active hostilities. There is a burst of creative library changes associated with the reorientation of the library space and services according to the social challenge posed by russia's military aggression. Conclusions. The ability of the largest library institutions in Zakarpattia to provide moral support to people affected by the war has been revealed. The role of library support as an important factor in practical assistance to people has been confirmed.
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    How’s Our Library E-Service? Measuring User Satisfaction in the Virtual Environmen
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Manabat, April R.
    ENG: Objective. This study aims to determine the satisfaction with the virtual reference service of library users of Nazarbayev University Library during the Spring 2021 to Spring 2022 semesters. Methods. This study employed a descriptive approached to determine the satisfaction of users with the virtual service of Nazarbayev University Library during the Spring 2021 to Spring 2022 semesters. Using the data gathered from LibAnswers’ Quality of Service (QoS), this study examines various metrics in answering the queries received both in synchronous (chat service) or asynchronous (email service) virtual service. Statistical data from were tabulated and analyzed and the feedback from patrons will be interpreted using Voyant Tools, a web-based data visualization software. Results. The study describe how patrons were satisfied with the virtual library service of NU Library as perceived through their feedback and their overall experience of the service. In addition, the study pointed out that the Library considers all virtual transactions urgent and put the satisfaction of their patrons on top priority based on the metrics. Conclusions. The study revealed that patrons were satisfied with the virtual service rendered by NU Library both in synchronous and asynchronous format. With the help of the metrics generated from LibAnswers Quality of Service (QoS) feature, the NU Library was able to provide an excellent service despite the limitations brought by the pandemic. The feedback from patrons was indeed a proof of their satisfaction. As service quality and user satisfaction will always go together, the library, as a service-oriented information arm of any institution, should always put their patrons as their top priority.
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    Leadership Communication for Community Reader: Case Study at Komunitas Gada Baca, West Java, Indonesia
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Lusiana, Elnovani; Yanto, Andri; CMS, Samson; Rukmana, Evi Nursanti; Perdana, Fitri; Kusnandar, K.
    ENG: Objective. The Gada Membaca community is a reading park initiated by an activist for the Indonesian information literacy movement. Purpose of this research is to know how leadership communication is carried out for community reader at Komunitas Gada Membaca, West Java, Indonesia. Methods. This research uses a case study thorugh qualitative approach. Results. The result of this research is the Gada Membaca reading garden built in the assistance of information literacy activist leader succeeded in representing this need, which became a model for other reading parks in the vicinity. Leadership communication in managing a reading garden has a strategic role. The character of the community in Indonesia in general requires assistance from a figure who has a leader character. The rise and fall of the existence of a reading parks community is much influenced by a manager who has a strong character in leading. Conclusion of the research is the leadership communication model needed to managing a reading garden.
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    IT Implementation Processes in Libraries: Adopting Foreign Experience
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Kulyk, Margarita M.
    ENG: Objective. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of implementing IT technologies in university libraries of Ukraine in the context of foreign experience. The article examines the retrospective of development of library information systems, their effectiveness and problematic issues related to the transition of library staff to work with them. Methods. When writing the article, the review, comparative, and historical methods were used to summarize the research on the development of library information systems and to choose a sufficiently effective and convenient system among ILS (Integrated Library System), LSP (Library Service Platform), LMS (Library Management System) or LIMS (Library Information Management System) for domestic university libraries. Results. The article provides a periodization of the development of library systems from 1931 till 2022. Problematic issues for Ukrainian university libraries related to the replacement of software tools with modern software products are identified. Specialists of higher education libraries are suggested to use the web-resource “Library Technology Guides” to select the latest innovative automated library systems with their subsequent configuration. Conclusions. As a result, the ILS Koha is proposed as more adapted system in terms of financial costs and possibility of its further maintenance by existing specialists.
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    Library Service in Ensuring the Information Ecology of An Organization: A Case Study of a Research University Library
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Kulyk, Evgeniia
    ENG: Objective. Information products and services provided by academic libraries to support the educational process and research are a component of the information ecology of educational institutions, but their list within each academic library depends on the institutional ecology. Therefore, it is useful to study the practical experience of various academic libraries in ensuring the information ecology of research universities. As an example, we consider the successful experience of G. Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (KPI Library). Methods. A qualitative method of longitudinal research was used to obtain data and analyze the KPI Library information services. A number of primary data sources were used, such as diaries of first-hand reflection, observations, engaged in documenting and developing a narrative about the effectiveness of interaction of students, lecturers, scientists with the information environment. Analytical and review, logical, systematic methods are applied to substantiate the place of library service in information ecology. Results. The experience of KPI Library in ensuring the information ecology of the university was studied. Ways of organizing prompt, effective and safe (ecological) interaction with users and support of internal information products and services are analyzed. It is shown which services (tools and information resources) and areas of activity of the library form the information ecology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The role of the library in the formation of information culture and the culture of academic integrity of scientists, teachers and students of the university is shown. Conclusions. The considered example of KPI Library activity confirms that an academic library is directly involved in formation of the information ecology of a research university. A deeper analysis of the value of products and the effectiveness of library services for various members of the academic community as a component of the information ecology of the university may be the subject of further research.
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    Про дистанційне навчання, відкриті освітні ресурси та роль в цих процесах університетських бібліотек
    (Український державний університет науки і технологій, Дніпро, 2022) Колесникова, Тетяна Олександрівна; Горбова, Олександра Вікторівна; Щербатюк, Тетяна Григорівна
    UKR: Мета. Покращити розуміння університетських спільнот (викладачів, студентів, бібліотекарів) щодо розвитку дистанційного навчання, відкритих освітніх ресурсів та нової ролі університетських бібліотек в цих процесах. Методика. Основні дані щодо розвитку дистанційного навчання, OER та збільшення ролі в цих процесах університетських бібліотек були отримані завдяки аналізу фахових публікацій у періодичних виданнях і на сайтах університетів світу, застосуванню методів включеного і зовнішнього спостереження, опису власного досвіду авторів (директорки наукової бібліотеки, доцента з IT-дисциплін і завідувачки відділу наукової бібліотеки), які працюють в Українському державному університеті науки і технологій (Дніпро, Україна). Результати. Встановлено, що впровадження систем дистанційного навчання, використання та наявність відкритих (краще – безкоштовних) джерел інформації на платформах відкритого доступу чи відкритих освітніх ресурсів (OER), обмін науковими дослідженнями в цифровому науковому просторі тощо – ці складові тісно по’вязані між собою та використовуються серед викладачів, науковців, студентів. Дистанційна освіта потребує включення в процеси як викладачів – авторів відкритих освітніх ресурсів, так і працівників окремих служб, що здійснюють інформаційну та ІТ-підтримки викладачів і створених ними ресурсів. Такими структурами є університетські бібліотеки, які одними з перших підтримали філософію відкритості та включились в процеси підтримки відкритого доступу, відкритої науки, відкритої освіти на базі інтелектуальних інформаційних систем і технологій. Розглянуто досвід наукової бібліотеки УДУНТ – структури, що уможливлює онлайн доступ до текстових і нетекстових OER як необхідного елементу при забезпеченні обмеженої особистої взаємодії між викладачем і студентом, що навчається. Висновки. Сьогодні, в часи кризи, спричиненої пандемією Covid 19 та війною в Україні, активно закладаються основи, щоб надання освітніх послуг в університетах, зокрема, дистанційної освіти, стало динамічним і багатовимірним. Необхідним є інтегрування електронних бібліотечних ресурсів з платформами дистанційного навчання для забезпечення безперешкодного доступу студентів і викладачів.
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    Information Analytics in the Structure of Ukrainian National Libraries Activity (Based on Analysis of Their Sites)
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Kobieliev, Oleksii; Karpenko, Olena; Safonova, Tetiana; Zimenko, Oleksandr
    ENG: The objective of the study is to determine the optimal structure for organizing information and analytical activities of Ukrainian libraries of the national level. The method of analysis was used for identifying the diversification of the forms of organization of information and analytical activities of the indicated libraries. The results of the study indicate the existence of two forms of organizing national libraries regarding the implementation of information and analytical activities, one of which is based on realizing their functions in different departments of libraries, and another one is aimed at creating a separate unit in the organizational structures of libraries. The conclusions of the study proved the dependence of the form of organization of information and analytical activities in national libraries on their level in the library system. Creating separate departments carrying out information and analytical activities can be considered as a perspective form of organizing information and analytical activities of Ukrainian national libraries due to the increasing responsibility of employees for the timing of the work and integration of analysts of various specializations, as well as creating conditions for developing the cognitive component of library activity.
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    Getting Ready to Hyflex: An Assessment of the DLSU Law Students’ Use of Online Library Resources and Resources
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Frias, Willian S. A.
    ENG: Objective.The onset of the pandemic in 2020 forced the education sector to shift to the online learning modality. This paper aims to determine the law students' actual utilization rate and patterns of online resources and services. Methods. This paper used a quantitative method to arrive at its primary purpose. It collected use statistics on all online legal databases and online services offered by the Law Library. This paper analyzed the collected statistics by applying the different statistical measures such as the extraction of mean, averages, and percentages. Results. This study found that law students used online resources to a great extent. Academic activities, databases' contents, and titles' availability are the factors affecting the frequency of use of online resources. The results of this study will become the bases for planning for the continuous improvement of the law library's resources and services in preparation for the permanent offering of the hyflex learning modality in the Tanada-Diokno College of Law of the De La Salle University. Conclusions. The low extent of use of the online reference services and the great degree of use of the different online databases prove that law students can access online information independently, strengthening the proof that they are now ready for the hyflex modality of library service.
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    Legal Resources of Historical and Cultural Heritage: Presentation in Library Collections and Their Popularization
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Polovynchak, Yuliia M.; Bondarenko, Viktoriia I.; Matviichuk, Larysa O.; Strunhar, Valeria
    ENG: Objective: to substantiate the significance of historical documents of legal concern in digital library resources of historical and cultural heritage as an important component of cultural memory; to generalize modern approaches to improving the popularization of these library resources in the information space. The methods of systematic analysis of library databases of historical and cultural heritage have been used in the research, in particular, the V. I. Vernadsky National Library (Ukraine), World Digital Library, Europeana, Gallica, Bavarian State Library, etc. Results. The monuments of law as a component of historical and cultural heritage, which need to be popularized in the information space, given the scientific, educational, and ideological significance, have been studied. Conclusions. The resources of monuments of law testify to the longevity of historical development, the heredity of legal culture, and the involvement of Ukrainian political and legal thought in the European context. Digitization of such documents and their inclusion in digital collections expands user access to monuments of law and intensifies their circulation in the cultural information space. Effective work directions on the popularization of digital sources of historical and cultural heritage according to the results of the analysis of foreign experience are the use of mobile technologies and the representation of resources in social media.