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    Implementation of System Software of Multiprocessor Computing Systems for Solving Applied Tasks
    («Пороги», Дніпро, 2021) Shvachych, Gennady Grygorovych; Moroz, D.
    ENG: The paper proposes a concept for making a multiprocessor computing system designed to solve aviation industry's problems, which would have peak real efficiency and productivity. In addition, this system should be characterized by increased reliability and high energy efficiency. Blocks of the proposed system were implemented with the help of mass production computing facilities. The FAWN technology has further developed. The research considers the problems of use and adjustment of system software of the multiprocessor computing system. For the designed MCS, the OS Linux was selected. It is now considered standard for computing cluster systems. In addition, the section discusses the use of communication tools (interactions) among the nodes of the multiprocessor computing system. It is shown that the most widespread in our time parallel programming technology with partitioned memory is MPI technology. The results of intermediate and final computations are transmitted to the TCA via a managed Infiniband switch. In this case, the control and transfer of the corresponding data from the slave-nodes is carried out by HCA network adapters.
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    Object-Oriented Model of Constructing of the Distributed Databases
    (ТОВ «ЮРИДИЧНА КОМПАНІЯ «ЮРСЕРВІС», 2022) Shvachych, Gennady Grygorovych; Moroz, B.; Hulina, I.
    ENG: The proposed object-oriented system model provides a solution to a complex of planning and reporting problems in fuzzy sets based on symmetric pairs of cryptographic keys. In the proposed system, the object identifiers (cryptographic keys) describing structure of the high educational establishments and the learning process are automatically generated on the basis of complete (standardized) names of structural divisions, specialties, disciplines, etc. Unlike classic relational databases, the object-oriented model allows solving effectively problems of such automatic transactions, such as inheritance of the past period plan parameters in the new period plan, the inheritance of the previously described structures. In addition, it allows removal and adding to the work plan of new periods, as well as new structures designed to provide interactive automatic postings of students during the entire period of their studying, etc.
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    Main Problems and Principles of Implementation of Distributed Data Registry Technology
    (Scientific Publishing Center “Sci-conf.com.ua”, 2022) Shvachych, Gennady Grygorovych; Kholod, Olena Grygorivna; Chernetskyi, Sergiy Oleksandrovich
    ENG: This paper shows that information and communication technologies, particularly the digital economy, reveal a huge range of opportunities. It was noted that its strengths, the reducing costs, increasing the level of security, and transparency of transactions drew the attention of various economic sectors. In this regard, for a clear and definite understanding of the problems under consideration, the author's definition of the digital economy, digital technologies in the economy, and "end-to-end" digital technologies in the economy were introduced. The paper highlights the most intensively developing main components of the digital economy: distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) and real option technologies. Research has shown that blockchain technology is one of the main directions for the digital economy development. As a decentralized data registry, the paper shows that blockchain technology is the most discussed and relevant topic in the digital economy. Its strengths are analyzed, such as cost reduction, high security, and transaction transparency applicable to various economic sectors. The main mechanisms of contradictions, arrangement, and implementation of blockchain technology are detailed with the author's approach to eliminating the identified contradictions.
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    Математичне моделювання при дослідженні напружено-деформованого стану smart-матеріалів
    (ФОП Іванченко І. С., Харків, 2022) Кагадій, Тетяна Станіславівна; Білова, Оксана Вікторівна; Шпорта, Анна Григорівна; Онопрієнко, Олег Дмитрович
    UKR: Активні матеріали, перш за все п'єзоелектричні і пьєзоелектромагнітні, часто використовуються в якості функціональних частин різних електронних пристроїв, включаючи датчики та перетворювачі, оскільки ці матеріали здатні змінювати свою форму під дією електричного або магнітного поля. У багатьох випадках розміри згаданих пристроїв надзвичайно малі, але тим не менше вони можуть піддаватися впливу дуже великих механічних, електричних і магнітних полів. Крім того, ці пристрої зазвичай складаються з елементів, що можуть бути виготовлені з різних матеріалів (п'єзоелектричні або пьєзоелектромагнітні елементи, електроди тощо). Дослідження поведінки конструкцій, виготовлених з таких матеріалів, виявляє суттєві математичні труднощі під час відповідних розрахунків. Необхідність у вирішенні цих питань, яка проявилася на практиці, зумовила важливість розробки методів розрахунку контактних взаємодій, а також дослідження контактних задач з урахуванням п'єзоелектричної і п'єзоелектромагнітної складової. Проведено узагальнення методу малого параметру на двовимірні задачі електропружності. Перевагою запропонованого узагальненого методу збурень є те, що він дозволяє звести розв’язання складних задач теорії електропружності до послідовного розв’язання більш простих крайових задач (інтегрування рівнянь Лапласа, у складніших випадках – рівняння Пуассона). Доведено, що в усіх випадках вихідної постановки можуть бути сформульовані крайові умови для основних функцій. Механічні та електричні складові можуть бути відокремлені, але мають взаємний вплив через крайові умови. Розв’язок знаходиться як суперпозиція розв’язків для кожного напруженого стану.
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    Intelligent Monitoring and Control System for the Pipe Manufacturing Process
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Ivashchenko, Valerii; Shvachych, Gennady Grygorovych; Sobolenko, Oleksandr; Ivashchenko, Olena Valerievna
    ENG: Here one of the new efficient approaches to solving problems of intelligent support of making decisions of a cooperate enterprise scale is analyzed, bearing in mind that the enterprise is oriented towards integration of two interconnected information technologies: a technology of constructing information storages and a technology of intelligent data analysis. A new conception of the role of informating-controlling systems in controlling and operating pipe manufacturing process is suggested. It broadens a traditional view over information systems just as if it were only an instrument of a computer data analysis. The role of the modern information systems in the manufacturing as an independent scientific and applied direction serving as a connecting link in the triad “raw product – ngineering process – end product” is substantiated. Some problems connected with plantation of the informating-controlling systems in the pipe manufacturing is formulated. It broadens a traditional view over information systems just as if it were only an instrument of a computer data analysis.
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    Computer System for Mechanisms Diagnosis
    (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, 2022) Ivashchenko, Valeriy; Shvachych, Gennady; Sushko, Larysa
    ENG: The computer system proposed in this work is aimed at solving the problem of automating a comprehensive assessment of the technical functioning of mechanisms. The system’s computational equipment have the minimum necessary computing requirements. No additional paid software is required for installation. Unlike existing systems, the proposed one has a moderate cost. For the majority of industrial enterprises, this factor is crucial when choosing the most beneficial computer system. In addition, the developed system is simple and comfortable to use. Thus, the system has an intuitive and intelligible interface for the operator, which allows the operator to quickly familiarize themselves with it and put it to use immediately; the system monitors the correctness entries in the electronic history - it corrects basic fields that are not properly indicated (repair data, repair requests, part price, etc.). The system has the ability to add individual templates for a specific unit. Unlike existing systems, the proposed system is multifunctional.