Simulation Modelling of the Rolling Stock Axle Test-Bench

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EDP Sciences
ENG: Abstract. Wheelset axles are essential parts of railway and mine site rolling stock. For fatigue testing of axles, various test-benches are designed to implement the cyclic loads. The effectiveness of test-bench vibration analysis grows with the use of numerical approach and simulation models created with the aid of visual programming tools. The purpose of the work is to develop and assess the proposed simulation models of test-bench dynamics created with the aid of visual programming tools. Based on mathematical models, the test-bench simulation models of the lever system vibration have been developed. Simulation models are created with the aid of Simulink visual programming tools running under Matlab system. For modelling the components of Simulink, the SimMechanics and DSP System Toolbox Libraries are used. The comparative analysis of proposed models has been made. For the first time, with the aid of Simulink visual programming tools, the set of test-bench vibration simulation models has been obtained in steady-state and transient motion modes for linear task formulation. The proposed S-models allow automation and visualization of the motion dynamics study for test-bench components in order to determine their rational elastic-weight, kinematic and dynamic behavior. Simulation of vibrations was carried out using design parameters of the test-bench metal framework.
S. Raksha: ORCID 0000-0002-4118-1341, Anofriev: ORCID 0000-0001-7997-3523, O. Kuropiatnyk: ORCID 0000-0001-5581-3883
rolling stock, axle, test-bench, КПММ
Raksha, S. Simulation Modelling of the Rolling Stock Axle Test-Bench / Serhii Raksha, Pavlo Anofriev, Oleksii Kuropiatnyk // E3S Web of Conferences. – 2019. – Vol. 123 : Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering – 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201912301032.